Thursday, March 19, 2009

Help Yourself

An amazing thing about life is that it is entirely up to you to make your life as successful or difficult as you choose. Sure there are plenty of forces that are beyond your control. You can determine what to do with what you have control of though. Abraham Lincoln once said (and this is one of my very favorite quotes) "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be". Bottom line is that your success is up to you.

You might be stuck and not know how to get past whatever is stopping you. You might be in a very difficult situation that prevents you from success. To overcome your situation, put it aside and find someone else who is in a more difficult situation than you. Then, help them overcome it.

If you need help, help someone else. Through service to others, you provide service to yourself and ultimately you can overcome what is preventing you from your success.

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